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Dunnington Client Alert: Estate Planning In A Pandemic

By All, Client Alerts, COVID-19 Guidance, Estates, Trusts and Private Clients, Featured

Estate Planning In A Pandemic

Susan Rothwell, Partner

April 13, 2020

Note: Current Status of the Surrogate’s Courts.  As of this writing, the New York Surrogate’s Courts, which deal with wills, estate and trust issues, guardianships and adoptions, are open right now on a limited basis and only for essential and urgent matters.  What constitutes an essential and urgent matter for the Surrogate’s Court is being decided on a case-by-case basis and depends on which county you are in.  At the moment, anyone in NY county who needs access to a Surrogate’s Court Judge on this “essential” basis may have a private phone call with the Chief Clerk guidance and must submit any paperwork by regular mail.  No one may walk into the court without calling ahead.  All trials and hearings including guardianships and adoptions are postponed until further notice.

Estate Planning Now

In light of the devastating death toll and the ongoing threat of contracting COVID-19, it’s not surprising if you’re thinking about estate planning.  Here are some things to think about when you review your estate planning documents or consider drafting new ones if you don’t yet have a will or a trust.   Read More

Dunnington Client Alert: How the CARES Act and Other Recent New York State and New York City Legislation Address Business Interruption and Employment

By All, Client Alerts, COVID-19 Guidance, Featured

Last Updated: April 7, 2020

The United States government, the State of New York and the City of New York has adopted legislation intended to provide economic relief to businesses and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 emergency. The following is a review of various loans, loan forgiveness provisions, and other benefits created by these recent acts.* Read More

Dunnington Client Alert: Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding: What Applicants Need to Know Now to Qualify and Apply

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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding:

What Applicants Need to Know Now to Qualify and Apply

On March 30, 2020, Dunnington provided an alert summarizing various U.S. federal, New York state and municipal economic assistance programs available to individuals and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Two of the federal programs that have been made available via the newly enacted Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act are the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”) including Emergency Economic Injury Grants and the Paycheck Protection Program (the “PPP”).  These programs are being implemented quickly, so it is important to understand relevant criteria and application procedures. Read More

Dunnington Client Alert: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Orders All Non-Essential Workers to Work From Home

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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Orders

All Non-Essential Workers to Work From Home

On March 20, 2020, New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, ordered, effective Sunday, March 22, all people working in non-essential services in New York State to work from home. Businesses that do not comply with the order will be subject to civil fines. Read More

Dunnington Client Alert: New York State and U.S. Federal Government COVID-19 Relief Legislation Aims to Help Employees

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New York State and U.S. Federal Government

COVID-19 Relief Legislation Aims to Help Employees

New York State

On March 18, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that guarantees workers Paid Sick Leave (PSL) for time off of work related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More

COVID-19 Client Alert – Essential Legal Issues

By All, Client Alerts, Corporate, COVID-19 Guidance, Estates, Trusts and Private Clients, Featured, Firm News, France Desk, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Art and Fashion Law, International, Italy Desk, Latin America Desk, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Real Estate

Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP

COVID-19 Announcement:

Dear Clients and Colleagues:

Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller LLP is dedicated to protecting the continued health, safety and well-being of our entire staff while we continue to provide services to you.  First and foremost, our thoughts are with all those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, and the medical professionals relentlessly working around the clock to fight this new global pandemic. Read More

Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19

By All, Client Alerts, Corporate, COVID-19 Guidance, Featured, France Desk, International, Italy Desk, Latin America Desk, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation

Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19:  Needed Guidance For Commercial Property Insurance Policyholders Forthcoming From the New York Department of Financial Services

On March 10, 2020, the New York Department of Financial Services used its powers under Section 308 of the New York Insurance Law to compel every property/casualty insurer in the state to answer, by March 18, 2020 urgent questions that policyholders have and to provide detailed information on its business interruption insurance coverage both to the DFS and to individual policyholders.  Read More

Dunnington Informational Alert: Supply Chain Risk Assessment

By All, Client Alerts, COVID-19 Guidance, Featured

Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP

Risk Assessment:
Supply Chain Disruptions and the Coronavirus Outbreak

Donna Frosco, Partner

February 5, 2020

As widely reported, the coronavirus outbreak in China has led to extension of the Lunar New Year holiday and restrictions on movement of people by the Chinese government, including in manufacturing centers.  Read More

Client Alert: What You Should Know About the USPTO’s Foreign Applicant U.S. Counsel Requirement

By All, Client Alerts, Featured, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Art and Fashion Law

Valerie Oyakhilome, Paralegal

August 30, 2019

On August 3rd, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) took unprecedented action by implementing a new rule that directly impacts the meaning of compliance in the application process for both current and prospective trademark owners. Read More