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Trademark Bulletin September/October 2019

By All, Featured, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Art and Fashion Law, Trademark Bulletins

USPTO Releases Revised Examination Guide Following Backlash

On September 6, 2019, the USPTO released a revised examination guide to clarify the controversial amendment to Rule 2.11, which requires all foreign domiciled trademark applicants, registrants, or parties of a trademark proceeding to obtain representation from a U.S. licensed attorney in order to complete the trademark application process. The release of the revised examination guide, which provides practical information related to the rule, comes after the USPTO received many requests to elaborate on certain provisions in the unprecedented amendment. A brief summary of the new requirement can be found in our client alert here. Read More

When a Foreign National Dies with Assets in New York, What Happens?

By All, Estates, Trusts and Private Clients, Featured, International, Publications

Update on What Wealth Advisors, Legal Advisors, and Globetrotters Need to Know

Susan Rothwell, Partner

September 26, 2019

If you’re a foreign national with ties to New York, you may own an apartment or a house, or have bank and investment accounts located here.  Whether you are an individual who bought an apartment for a child in college or an art aficionado getting an appraisal from Christie’s or Sotheby’s, it is worth considering what happens to these assets on death.  How do the next of kin or beneficiaries get access to the property?  What are the tax consequences? Read More

PRESS RELEASE: Dunnington Announces Launch of Guide To Doing Business in the United States

By All, Corporate, Estates, Trusts and Private Clients, Featured, Firm News, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Art and Fashion Law, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Real Estate

WHEN:                  September 17, 2019 6:00 PM
WHERE:                230 Park Avenue, 21st Floor

NEW YORK–Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP, a full-service New York City-based law firm serving the international community announced today the publication of Doing Business in the United States, a guide to assist business leaders, startups and individuals in navigating the most important business law issues facing foreign investors and entrepreneurs in the coming years.  The launch will be celebrated with an event for journalist members of the Foreign Press Association.

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Client Alert: What You Should Know About the USPTO’s Foreign Applicant U.S. Counsel Requirement

By All, Client Alerts, Featured, Intellectual Property, Advertising, Art and Fashion Law

Valerie Oyakhilome, Paralegal

August 30, 2019

On August 3rd, 2019, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) took unprecedented action by implementing a new rule that directly impacts the meaning of compliance in the application process for both current and prospective trademark owners. Read More