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Raymond J. Dowd To Address Oklahoma City Chapter of Federal Bar Association on Nazi Looted Art Litigation

By May 27, 2021No Comments

On June 10, 2021, Dunnington Partner Raymond J. Dowd will present a virtual Continuing Legal Education Program for the Federal Bar Association’s Oklahoma City Chapter.  Nazi art looting and litigation over the return of stolen property to victims of the Holocaust, the history of U.S. tax laws to museums and the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016 will be covered.

Mr. Dowd is a partner in the law firm of Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP in New York City.  In 2013, Mr. Dowd represented Berlin’s Pergamon Museum before New York’s Court of Appeals in recovering a 3,000-year-old gold Assyrian tablet from the Temple of Ishtar.  He has litigated cultural property and Nazi-looted art cases for over fifteen years.  He authored Copyright Litigation Handbook (now in its 12th edition).  His practice consists of federal and state trial and appellate litigation, arbitration and mediation, having served as lead trial counsel in broadcasting, fashion, publishing, art law, copyright, trademark, cybersquatting, privacy, trusts and decedents estates, licensing, corporate and real estate cases. Mr. Dowd lectures frequently on copyright litigation and on cultural property issues including Nazi art looting.

Registration is free for FBA Members and $25 for non-FBA Members.  The deadline to RSVP is June 9, 2021.  More information can be found on the Oklahoma City Federal Bar Association website.  1.5 Hours of Oklahoma CLE Credit Anticipated.